The most common organizing myths

Organizing can be a challenging task, and there are plenty of myths surrounding the process. In this blog post, we'll debunk some of the most common organizing myths to help you get your space in order.

Myth #1: You have to be born with the organizing gene

Many people believe that being organized is something that you're either born with or not. However, organizing is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. It's all about finding the right systems and strategies that work for you.

Myth #2: You need fancy organizing products

While there are plenty of organizing products on the market, they're not always necessary. In fact, many people find that simple solutions like baskets, shelves, and hangers are all they need to keep their space organized. Don't feel like you need to spend a lot of money on products to get your organized. In fact, buying all the pretty bins is one of the most common mistakes people make. 

Myth #3: You have to tackle everything at once

Organizing can feel overwhelming, but you don't have to tackle everything at once. Instead, break your organizing tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, you might start by organizing one drawer or shelf at a time. You can apply organizing steps and strategies to even the smallest of tasks. Thinking that you have to organize a large space in one attempt is what often discourages people from even getting started. However, if you do want to tackle a large space, this is where hiring a professional organizer can be most beneficial.

Myth #4: You have to be a minimalist

While minimalism works for some people, it's not the only way to live an organized life. If you love collecting things or have a lot of sentimental items, that's okay! The key is to find ways to store and display them in a way that makes sense for you. At the same time, if you are feeling like you “just don’t have enough space” is often less a problem of space and more an issue of having too much stuff.

Myth #5: You have to do it all yourself

Organizing can be a team effort! Don't be afraid to ask for help from family members or friends. You might also consider hiring a professional organizer to help you get started. In fact, you are more likely to finish an organizing project if you have someone there doing it with you. It serves as a bit of accountability. 

Myth #6: You have to be perfect

Perfection is not the goal when it comes to organizing. It's okay to have a messy day or to make mistakes along the way. The important thing is to keep moving forward and to find strategies that work for you.

Myth #8: There is only one way to get organized

There are so many different ways to get yourself organized. If you do a quick internet search for “organizing methods” you will find numerous organizing strategies such as Konmari, Swedish Death Cleaning, One-touch method, and many others. The key is to find and use a strategy that works for your lifestyle and needs. In fact, you may want to try several different methods to see what is the best fit for you.

By debunking these common organizing myths, we hope you feel empowered to tackle your organizing projects with confidence. Remember, organizing is a skill that can be learned, and there's no one "right" way to do it. Find what works for you and enjoy the benefits of a more organized life.

Happy Sprucing!


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